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Celebrating 35 Years of Business

Celebrating 35 Years of Business

35 years is a long time in any business and we are genuinely grateful to not only still be working within the industry but also progressing and thriving in the marketplace too. We’ve been getting a little nostalgic, looking back at the old photo album reminiscing on how it all began. Read on for a potted history of Dorotape.

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Dorotape Exhibition 1996
Dorotape Warehouse 1996
Dorotape Exhibition 2000

From the beginning.

Our story begins in 1988. As part of a German / European group of companies, we became one of the first manufacturers of film application tape to supply the UK graphics market. The range quickly grew to include self-adhesive films. Something new to the market.

Mick Ingram joined the company in 1995 and was promoted to director in 2004. He steered the good ship Dorotape to independence in 2009 when we left our German sister company to go it alone.

As the business grew so too did the need for larger premises, three moves within Market harborough followed until in 2013 the business upped sticks to move to the other side of town of where we are still based today.

To the present day.

In 2021 Mick became the sole owner of Dorotape. Today we’re partners with over 20 global manufacturers, supplying specialist films and vinyl to all manner of industries. And we’re still growing and developing into new sectors, creating bespoke products for specialist projects and reaching people right across the world. There is never a dull moment.

This seems like the perfect time to say a huge thank you to all our loyal customers and suppliers for supporting us throughout the years. Here’s to the next 35!

Want to find out more?

To learn more about what makes us tick click here

And before you go:

We hope that you found this blog relevant and informative and that you'd be interested in reading some of our other blogs

Article Posted: 10/11/2023 17:28:22

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